Preferred Suppliers (Business)

Book binding
since 2003: Jens Lienig
since 2008 (2003): Yang Liu (Logo, Web),
Diana Fischer (Print)
since 2017: Stephanie Mazagg
Legal advice
since 1994: Sozietät Hertin, Dr. Hermann-Josef Omsels
since (2008) 2014: Dr. Christine Danziger
Tax advice
since 1997: Pülm & Heering
since Q4 2020: Oliver Pfaff

This list is not a valuation, it documents economic matters of
fact. Harvest of working relations that is free of charge, unpaid
or not in use, is not mentioned here.


I am a rather honest and forthright person.
I will not interfere, nor get judgemental.

Conditions: Confidentiality is mutual. Face-to-face meetings
take place, if either party calls for it. I do not take operational responsibility.

Further information:

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