Web Technique
It is quite a challenge for me, to portray myself
in front of all mankind and eternity:
- Navigation - The facts of me being do not change, they happen. How I order them, does change. Therefore, the navigation of this website is computed on-the-fly.
- Audit trail - In compliance with EU regulations, you can enable this website auditing your visit automatically. In return you get access to more information. [v180309]
- Privileged Information - From experience my interest in this peculiar kind of publicity changes. What I publish changes accordingly. Access to everything I have documented requires a password.
Mouse specialties
- Preview - Links with a dotted underline allow to fade in their content with the mouse. Only once you click on them, the page will load and remain.
- Index - At the upper right indexes are provided for navigation. They too will blend in, once the mouse moves over the name of the index. Clicking its name will keep the index, clicking it again, will make it disappear.
More about this website:
The original design is work by Yang Liu in 2009.